Price from:
1,452 USD
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After traversing the vast landscapes of the Arabian Peninsula, these adventurers have become heroes, conquering the awe-inspiring deserts and mountains along the way. Join us to witness this memorable moment at the Dakar Club Podium! Enjoy exclusive access to the Finishing Podium Ceremony, savor an international buffet featuring traditional Bedouin dishes, and take home a special Dakar-branded souvenir as a memento of this incredible celebration.

Your program includes:

-        Exclusive access to the Bivouac and Dakar Club VIP AREA

-        Cocktail Catering: finger food & beverages (soft drink)

-        Entertainment & activities

-        View of the Finishing Podium Ceremony

-        Exclusive Dakar gift for each guest 


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Why buy with Platinumlist?
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Secure Checkout
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Instant confirmation
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Official Ticket Seller
Official Ticket Seller
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24/7 Customer Service
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